LinkedIn: Who Uses It & Why Does It Matter?

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LinkedIn has come a long way! From an online startup for business professionals to an innovative Social media platform that has the incredible power of hiring, selling, networking, marketing, recruiting, strategizing, teaching, and so much more! LinkedIn has over 12,700 employees working hard to provide a quality technological social media platform that sets the standard for excellence in networking (Smith, 2019) Thanks to the original founders of LinkedIn, namely, Reid Hoffman, Allen Blue, Konstantin Guericke, Eric Ly and Jean Luc Vaillant, we now have an incredible professional social media platform! “In fact, LinkedIn is the #1 social media platform for professional content distribution.” (Fontein, 2016)

Check Out These Statistics & Learn How Optimizing Your LinkedIn Profile Can Be Beneficial

Did you know a user with a photograph in their profile attracts 21 times more profile views? Also, LinkedIn profiles with photographs earn 36 times more messages from other users, recruiters, and businesses! The users personalized profiles can earn 14 times more views, if optimized fully. Providing a professional head shot photo supports in the popularization of users’ main home webpage earning increasedinteraction.

80% of LinkedIn users consider professional networking to be very important in the advancement of their careers in order to achieve certified success.
Adding 5 or more professional skills to a profile will get 17 times more profile views!
The amount of professional skills that LinkedIn has listed are 50,000(Smith, 2019)
Consumers today are almost always linked online someway through mobile devices and even more consumers are making their purchases through mobile devices. “57% of users are connecting to LinkedIn through mobile devices. 50% of B2B Buyers use LinkedIn when making purchasing decisions.” (Fontein, 2016)

Next, the following stats show businesses how valuable having a company webpage on LinkedIn is and the positive benefits it can provide to businesses. “Over 80% of all B2B leads generated by social media come from LinkedIn. 90% of top performing sales people now use social media as part of their sales strategy. 79% of B2B Marketers say LinkedIn is an effective source for generating leads.” (Dodaro, 2019)

So, Who Actually Uses LinkedIn?

There are 590 Million active users on LinkedIn today! Depending on their wants and needs, customers and dedicated users spend all varied amounts of time on LinkedIn. Customers spend hours on LinkedIn learning and investigating multitudes of businesses. There is a whopping 3 million LinkedIn users that share information weekly.

56% of LinkedIn users are men and 44% are women. (Fontein, 2016)

Out of 590 Million, 146 Million of those users are American.

106 Million People visit LinkedIn monthly from over 200 countries worldwide!

“71.5% of LinkedIn users are located outside the U.S. 258 Million+ in Europe, the Middle East, and Africa. 105 Million+ in Asia and the Pacific. 65 Million+ in Latin America. 20 Million+ in the Middle East and North Africa. 20 Million+ in Southeast Asia.” (Fontein, 2016)


What better way to reach the masses today?

The second largest LinkedIn user demographic comes from China has a staggering 42 Million!

While India has over 25 Million, the United Kingdom has over 9 Million! “There are around 400 connections for each user.”  (Smith, 2019) 

“Currently there are 57% of companies who have a LinkedIn company page.” (Fontein, 2016)

The multitudes of users that log on each month are staggering! “260 Million LinkedIn users are logging in each month with 40% of monthly active users use LinkedIn daily!” (Gallant, 2019)

Another demographic of users on LinkedIn is the millennials. There are 40 Million students and college graduates using LinkedIn. “Of those 87 Million Millennial users, 11 Million are in decision-making positions.”(Gallant, 2019) 

It’s not just a matter of who is connecting. It’s also a matter of how users connect. Connecting through mobile devices is the latest trends as “…there are 63 Million unique mobile users monthly.”(Gallant, 2019)

Working Professionals and Job Seekers Aren’t the Only Ones Who Benefit from Networking Online

A valued benefit of LinkedIn is their immense endorsements which are currently 10 Billion! (Smith, 2019) Sharing posts can mean BIG business for companies trying to target their specific markets. “More than 1 Million users use LinkedIn’s publishing platform, sharing over 130,000 posts each week.” (Fontein, 2016) Over 100,000 varied articles are posted weekly on LinkedIn. Businesses benefit immensely from posting their company content reaching large amounts of users, which in turn, brings in more business. “94% of B2B Marketers use LinkedIn to distribute content.” (Fontein, 2016) Businesses also benefit from having their companies webpage chock full of information ready and waiting for users to click on and explore! Major brands can showcase their products and services; they can promote company benefits, build valuable consumer relationships, and connect with users in a profitable way, and so much more!

What to Track and How to Track It!

Businesses need to know are who their users are, where their users come from, what devices they mostly use, and how long users visit a site. These specific statistics give companies the information they need to be able to target their target market. Knowing your users better, lets a company provide the type of information that the user is looking for on their company page.In order to successfully market, Businesses must track specific analytics when reaching the right audience on LinkedIn. The Sales Navigator is an amazing tool measuring valuable data. “A key social selling feature on LinkedIn is The Sales Navigator tool, which helps with audience targeting and lead generation. Features include: Real-time sales updates (including insights on your accounts and potential new leads); Lead recommendations and suggestions; Team Link (a tool that lets you connect with prospects through your company’s verified network); and InMail, so that you can contact high-profile decision makers in a secure and credible way.”(Fontein, 2016) LinkedIn Analytics is another valuable tracking tool that tracks users time spent on sites, what sites a user was on, demographics of the user, and click-throughs. “Use click demographics to fine-tune—using LinkedIn’s Demographics tool, you can monitor the performance of your content and inform future decisions.” (Fontein, 2016)

Consequently, LinkedIn has the ingenuity to provide users a first-class professional networking experience. They also provide top notch tools for users to customize their personal experience. In order to build their marketing strategies, B2B companies highly benefit from knowing their specific LinkedIn statistics. As LinkedIn explains, “With over 467 million members, LinkedIn is at the forefront of connecting B2B buyers and sellers. One of the most important sales techniques is to understand how your buyer behaves—making prospecting easier with greater success.” (Fontein, 2016)

Well, What Are You Waiting For? The Proof is in the Pudding! How Are You Using LinkedIn?

About the Author

Pamela Gerhard

Pamela Gerhard

Beauty Consultant/visual merchandiser/Marketing for CVS Health
Graduated Naugatuck Valley Community College Majoring in Marketing
Attends Southern New Hampshire University, Majoring in Marketing, minoring in mobile marketing


  1. Dodaro, Melonie, (2019). “The 5 E’s of a LinkedIn Marketing Strategy”. Top Dog Media. Retrieved from

  2. Fontein, Dara, (November 22,2016). “The Ultimate List of LinkedIn Statistics That Matter to Your Business”.Blog Hootsuite.  Retrieved from

  3. Gallant, Josh.(January 1,2019). “48 Eye Opening LinkedIn Statistics For B2B Marketers In 2019”. Foundation. Retrieved from

  4. Smith, Craig. (January 16, 2019). “22o Amazing LinkedIn Statistics and Facts”. Retrieved from

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